Monday, October 19, 2009

October 19, 2009

EverPraise opened both worship services yesterday with voice and spirit. They are eight students from Trevecca Nazarene University presenting the gospel in musical story. The two young men who played guitar and the percussion box are twins: Parker and Jordan Guthrie from Bradenton, Florida. They are freshmen. Their dad and mom are extremely talented musicians who served on pastoral staff with us when the boys were born. What gracious, talented young men they have become. One of our young senior high students posted on Facebook after church that he was switching from drums to box. One of our freshman college students, home for fall break, told me he forgot how much he missed his church.

HCN’s Fall Fish Fry is served this Sunday, October 25, 2009, at 5:00 PM on the west end of the campus. Wayne McNeese, CEO for the cooking team, requests a VIP meeting of all the cooks at 10:00 AM in the Church Kitchen. This is the fifteen minute block for transitions between services. These are the people who make or break the evening. Please be there to receive schedules and information from Wayne. The Fish Fry is a simple all church feast of fried fish, homecut fries, hushpuppies, slaw. The church provides the first courses. Everyone else is asked to bring their favorite dessert and a large drink. Wear outdoor clothes. Dress for cool weather. Bring outdoor games to play and outdoor chairs to sit in. This is not a come play in the gym night. It is a get yourself outside and talk to somebody night.

When a local Church of the Nazarene calls a pastor, the church board does the interviewing, and eventually the church membership (15 years of age and older), does the voting. That vote extends for a term of two years. After two years, the district superin-tendent meets with the church board to determine if the relationship between the pastor and church remains positive. If it is positive, the church board votes to extend the term of service for two, three, or four more years. If it is not positive, the church board discusses ways to resolve conflict with the pastor and may vote to call a vote of the congregation on continued pastoral relations. HCN extended the initial call to me to pastor the church in August of 1995. Two years later, in 1997, the church board extended the call for four years. Another four year call was extended in 2001 and 2005. It is 2009 and time for another evaluation. Dr. Larry Leonard, Superintendent of the Tennessee District, meets with the HCN Church Board on Thursday, October 29, 2009, at 7:00 PM in the Center Parlor. Church Board members are Tony Dozier, Kendell Poole, John Reigard, Aaron Foster, Steve Kelley, Matthew Mullins, Beverly Sharpe, Jennifer Neely, Scott Perkins, John Mannen, Phil Jordan, David Hunt, Brad Houser, Scott Steinmetz, Mike Miranne, Donna Shankle, Marvin Heath, and Kristi Mabry. If you would like to communicate with one of these board members regarding the continuing or discontinuing of current pastoral relations, consult your church directory for phone numbers or call the church office. All of this sounds very negative and makes people nervous and wonder what they do not know. The truth is: there is nothing negative happening and this is simply a required, official announcement. Results from the board meeting will be announced on Sunday, November 1, 2009. We all pray for God’s will to be made known to us.

The Pastoral Staff Team visited with Sam Green this morning at Centennial Medical Center. Sam is having a good day, free from nausea, bored, ready to be on to the next good thing that brings wholeness to his body. He is up and smiling and acting like Sam. Pray that Sam remains free from infections and viruses as his blood counts balance where the doctors desire. Pray for the safety and health of Keli, Anna-Laura, Sophia, and Bella.

Continued thanks are extended to Tammy Tarter, Donny Jackson, and every instrumenta-list, band member, choir member, and praise team member who faithfully provides the ministry of music in Sam’s absence. I believe it is a testimony to the character of the church that we continue to worship and serve and be present during the illness and absence of a talented, gifted brother.

I look forward to Sunday.

In Christ Jesus,
Pastor Howard