Monday, January 25, 2010

January 25, 2010

Congratulations to Bryan and Catherine Segars on the birth of their daughter, Avonlea Grace Segars, on Thursday, January 21, 2010, at 11:35 AM at Centennial Women’s Center in Nashville, Tennessee. Avonlea weighed 7 lbs 14 ozs and measured 19 ¼ inches in length. She is the sister of Afton and Bennett; granddaughter of Joe and Carol Clem; cousin of Jody, Stacey, Jordan, and Elizabeth Sweeten. I arrived at the hospital twenty-five minutes after Avonlea was born and was allowed to hold her and pray for her. She was the most alert baby I have ever seen. I think she was delivered with eyes wide open. We bless the Lord who has blessed Bryan and Catherine with a child to love and to teach the ways of the Lord.

Senior High Students hosted Room-in-the-Inn at HCN on Saturday evening, January 23, 2010. They set up beds for sleeping; planned and served Saturday supper and Sunday breakfast; and handed out lunches to eat on Sunday. Showers were available for bathing and a washer and dryer were available for cleaning clothes. Students who provided the hospitality were Alex Hamer, Scott Primm, Katelyn Houge, Taylor Steinmetz, Jonathan Tigabu, Dalton Winfree, Robby Amity, Jonathan Mowry, Josh Cater, Nathan Curtis, Reed McCoy, Ross Drummond, Grant McCoy, Ben Mabry, Matthew Bastin, Daniel Jones, Lucas Hogue, Austin Woodfin, Madison Trotter, Evan Hollingsworth, Will Miranne, Brandon Shepard, Cassie Hunt, Cali Crosslin, Jessica Long, Braden Maphet, Ben Griffith, Brian Brinkman, Phillip Caulkins, Hunter Steinmetz, Bret Washing. Others who provided supervision and food were Paul, Pam, and Christy Stonecipher, Darlene Miranne, Gina Winfree, Kristi Mabry, Jon Alderman, Debbie Alderman, Sandra Hunt, Feli Tigabu, Marileigh Mabry, Beth Houge, Carolyn Washing, Tammy Jones, Beth and Callie Rice, Pastor Shane Tarter. We are thankful to God for the opportunity to serve these homeless men believing that as we do, we feed and house and serve the Lord.

Drs. Larry and Gay Leonard visited Hermitage on Sunday, January 24, 2010, where Dr. Leonard spoke in each morning worship service. Dr. Leonard is the superintendent of the Tennessee District Church of the Nazarene. He and Gay were received graciously by the people in both services. The Leonards loved the church and most especially the spirit of the church. He said it made him homesick for pastoring. Someone in first service told him it was good to have him but if he had come to take the pastor away then he could leave. He said they spoke kindly.

I arrive on the church campus each Sunday morning between 7:45 and 7:50 AM. I park my car at the western most end of the campus beside of the storage buildings. I return to my car at the completion of second service between 11:45 and 11:50 AM. Because I am inside the facilities during services, I never know how many cars drive in and out of the parking lots and how accessible parking is for each car. Last week, two of the greeters passed a complaint on to me that came from someone who could not find parking. Thus, this request comes to you. If you attend second service and do not mind parking on the graveled lot, would you begin to park there and allow others to park on the paved surfaces. It is a small way that we give up our rights as we serve others. As we move toward Easter, parking will become more difficult and we need to make space for everyone who desires to attend worship here. Thanks for the cooperation.

Pastor of Worship, Sam Green, plans to be present and leading music over the next few weeks. His blood counts continue to recover from the last round of chemo. I told Sam that he could not jeopardize his health and recovery by returning to worship with us (where he wants to be), when he needed to stay home another week. His bone marrow transplant takes place on February 25, 2010. Pray for Sam’s good health.

I am thankful to God for you.

In Christ Jesus,

Pastor Howard