Monday, April 13, 2009

April 13, 2009

Easter Sunday provides a wonderful opportunity to the church to tell the story of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ to all who will listen and in as many ways as you can tell it. Hermitage Church tries to tell it in music and media, by the band and the choir, in the songs and the instruments, via children and preachers. The messenger changes about every five minutes but the message is the same: Jesus Christ laid down his life in a sacrifice of love, but now he is risen and alive. These are some of the people who worked to make a difference on Sunday, April 12, 2009:

· Jennifer Neely, Kris Neely, Kim Vann who decorated The Center and lobby with lilies and dogwoods
· Betty Willis who draped The Sanctuary cross with cloth and light
· Glen Detwiler, Ken Elkins, Tommy Boner, and Ken Willis who extended the stage in The Center
· Billie Ragland and Shirley Maschinski who prepared all the elements for communion on both Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday
· Andy McCormick who played the saxophone solo at the opening of worship
· Andy McCormick, Graham Scott, Randy Layne, Dave Flint, Donny Jackson, Ricky Gore, Paul Bolling, and Michael Waller who provided live instrumenta-tion for congregational and choral music
· Dorinda Biggs who sang the solo to “Because of Love”
· Paul Vann who sang the solo to “Arise, My Love”
· HCN Choir Members who provided live vocals: Dorinda Biggs, Christi Fite, Beth Fox, Keli Green, Emily Sullivan, Miriam McMillan, Ole Blomberg, Will Chambers, Bryce Fox, Marvin Heath, Art Kurtz, Herb McMillan, Mike Orrick, Paul Vann, Mark Washing, Lisa Anderson, Sami Chambers, Joyce Clevenger, Ashley Crues, Jessica Dozier, Kristi Dozier, JoAnn Jackson, Pam McNeese, Sarah Vaden, Brenda Waffird, Dalene Barnett, Janeene Davis, Julie Foster, Anna-Laura Green, Julie Harrison, Marilyn Keener, Sandra Kurtz, Madeline Moser, Anna Plummer, Emily Sullivan, Betty Willis
· The Stick Team who dramatized “Arise, My Love”: Bethany Ruff, Brielle Fox, Annie Cater, Mikayla Wurth, Madeleine Rouse, Lydia Foster, Bryson Fox, Kristin Paddon, Mahaliah Davis, Sara Drummond, Jacob Paddon, Shelby Rose, Kellie Rose, Drew Silvernail, Jonathan Silvernail
· The Stick Team Directors who rehearsed the kids: Christy Barfield, Michelle Silvernail
· Sunday morning ushers who assisted the distribution of communion elements and received the offering (wish I knew everyone’s name)
· Charles Jewell and Robert Parrish for cutting the lawn, trimming the edges, blowing off the parking lots
· Andy Elkins for directing Easter traffic, Jake Pilarski for directing Palm Sunday traffic
· Brian Biggs, Robert Sullivan for operating sound, lights, videos
· Dr. Sam Green for coordinating and directing major pieces of all of the above

If you thought any of it was too much, blame me. For everyone who made the Lenten journey from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday, I hope the “giving up” made you think of Jesus often. Thanks to everyone who made the transitions in time and location.

HCN’s Spring Bass Tournament fished out on Saturday, April 11, 2009, on Old Hickory Lake. Nineteen entrants entered Shutes Branch just after 5:00 AM and when weigh-in came at 12:00 Noon, the winners were Steve Kemp and Rob Lyles. Second place winners were David Drummond and Ross Drummond. Third place winners were Chris Taylor and Austin Taylor. Congratulations to everyone who tried.

Congratulations to all North Carolina Men’s Basketball fans on the successful completion of the only game in sports where you choose the top 65 teams in the nation and let them play until one team is standing. I picked Louisville to win it all. I am glad I was wrong.

Did anyone besides me pull for Kenny Perry in the Master’s on Sunday afternoon?

Barbara Douthit’s family is having a public sale of Jim’s tools, fishing gear, etc., on May 1 and 2, 2009. There is a pre-sale available to you on April 25, 2009, from 9 AM to 3 PM. The list is long and includes a boat, pick-up truck, saws, air compressor, hand tools. Call 874-9162 and talk to David or Amy Elmore for more information or email to

I look forward to Sunday.

In Christ Jesus,
Pastor Howard