Monday, April 27, 2009

April 27, 2009

Congratulations to Dr. William Greathouse on the celebration of his ninetieth birthday this Wednesday, April 29, 2009. His long-time friend, Dr. Rob Staples, came to town to join the celebration last weekend and stayed for worship on Sunday morning. The theo-logical mega wattage of those two men in the same room should have blown the lights. Happy birthday to the churchman who has inspired laity and clergy for decades with a laser focus on the heart and life and work of John Wesley and the message of the book of Romans. Dr. Greathouse is a shepherd and encourager to his pastor.

A multitude of runners from HCN are shining stars this week. Ronnie Marsh ran the 113th Boston Marathon on Monday, April 20, 2009. He finished the 26.2 miles course in 3 hours 18 minutes, finishing 4,238 out of 23,000 plus runners. Valerie ran the last 5K of the course on Sunday, April 19, 2009, an opportunity for the runners’ families. The Country Music Marathon was run on Saturday, April 25, 2009, in Nashville and included Carolyn Washing, Sarah Paddon, Mike Miranne, Dan Scott, Aaron Foster, and Barry Whitehead. Chandler Scott and Marileigh Mabry ran in the Children’s Marathon. I have attempted to secure information on CMM runners but no one, I repeat no one, is home.

The face or voices of Joy Bradley or Jody Scott provide the first impression to most people who visit HCN through the weekday. Both serve roles as administrative assistants to the pastoral staff team. Joy is the longest serving employee of the church. On behalf of the church, I took them to lunch last Thursday and presented them with a thank you card and small gift certificate. Afternoon secretaries, Billie Ragland and Betty Willis, were also given cards and certificates. Thank you to the people who greet us and admit us to the buildings and channel our phone calls to the right office. Thank you for your kindness and competence.

College and university graduates will be recognized during worship services this Sunday, May 3, 2009. If you have a family member who is graduating with an under-graduate or graduate degree, please call the church office at 847-3335 and tell us.

Annual Elections are scheduled for Sunday, May 17, 2009, during the regular hours of morning worship services and Sunday School. Five of fifteen church board members will be elected to serve a three year term. Leaders of Sunday School, NMI (Missions), and NYI (youth) will also be elected and serve for a one year term. Delegates to District Assembly and District Conventions will be elected. Members of the local church who are fifteen years of age and older are eligible on all ballots. Members of the local church who are twelve to forty years of age will be eligible to vote for the NYI (youth) ballot. The five church board members who rotate off the board for one year effective June 1, 2009, are Jerry Keener, Barbara Parrish, Alan Elkins, Miriam McMillan, and Jea Agee.
Middle School Students began the tradition of a great fundraiser in their first Dinner Theatre four years ago. I remember watching them bow as a group at the end of the evening and thinking of how God had made them into a team that evening. Senior High Students join Middle School Students this year in a Dinner Theatre scheduled for Sunday, May 17, 2009, at 5:00 PM in The Center. It is especially important that we support the youth as all funds subsidize their Camp trip to Gatlinburg in June. Would you place the date and time on your calendar? Please.

Pete Benson concludes the three Sunday evening sessions on “Facing the Economic Storm” this Sunday, May 3, 2009, at 5:30 PM in the Sanctuary. The final session focuses on retirement and investment plans. Thanks to Pete for taking his time to talk to us out of his heart and expertise.

I don’t know what your prayer list is like these days, probably long. If you have time to pray for one more person, I want to get someone on your list. Her name is Victoria. She is a young single woman in her early thirties. I have never met her. She is the friend of Robert and Barbara Parrish’s daughter, Rachel. Victoria lived in Colorado until she discovered a month ago that she had multiple brain aneurisms. Her doctors sent her to Stanford Medical Center in California where she went through multiple tests and was scheduled for multiple surgeries. She has now gone through all the surgeries; has suffered several strokes; and is awaiting a controlled awakening from a coma-like state. Despite the enormity of all that trauma, there have been periodic miraculous moments. The movement of a hand. The speaking of her name. In between surgeries, she woke up and put on some make-up. For reasons unknown to me, I feel great faith for Victoria’s healing, recovery. If you feel moved to prayer, would you take a moment as you read this letter and speak her name to the Lord? Would you ask for healing? I have read lots of biblical stories lately about Jesus doing powerful things and I think my believing has gotten lazy. Her name is Victoria. What if she was your daughter, your sister?

In Christ Jesus,
Pastor Howard