Monday, June 1, 2009

June 1, 2009

Congratulations to the following HCN students of the 2009 graduating high school class: Jared Angle, Meghan Barrett, Jeff Blankenship, Avery Blomberg, Jessica Durham, Collin Earnhardt, Matt Follis, William Griffith, Anna Hansen, Taylor Haydel, Andrew Kawcznski, Megan Lavery, Lauren Lavery, Palmer Maphet, Andy McCormick, Dylan Merritt, Callie Rice, Graham Scott, Matt Sedgwick, and Blake Williams. The church recognized the graduates in second service; honored them with cards and gift cards to Lifeway; and prayed for the blessing and direction of the Lord in their lives. What a talented, gifted group of young people!

Congratulations to the following Pinewood Derby winners. Keep hope alive for the vision of crossing the finish line first on another race day.

Preschool: 1) Erica Render; 2) Michael Davis; 3) David Paddon
Elementary: 1) Grant Render; 2) Blakely Otto; 3) Teddy Joyce
Adult: 1) Ray Render; 2) Jeff Cater; 3) Ben Wagner

Congratulations to Caleb Henry, a former pastoral ministries intern to HCN from Trevecca, who received the theology award for an outstanding graduating senior at Asbury Theological Seminary. He is applying to PhD programs for next year while his wife, Ashley, applies to Medical School.

LiveWire Students enjoyed a Lock-In on Friday-Saturday, May 29-30, 2009, in The Center with an excursion to Pump-It-Up in the middle of the night. Sixty-four middle school students attended and lasted until morning. Count your blessings that you were not one of the chaperones. The event was hosted by Shane Tarter, Ken Jewett, Hayley Hill, Jake Resor, and Daniel Smith.

The Mission Africa 2010 Team met on Sunday, May 31, 2009, at 6:00 PM in The Sanctuary. At this writing there are 25-30 people who are planning to participate. Scheduled dates are Friday, June 11, 2009, to Saturday, June 26, 2009, flying from Nashville, Tennessee, to Nairobi, Kenya, and back. Project assignments in Kali, Kenya, depend on progress made by other groups before our arrival, but include the completion of a boy’s dormitory; enlarging the dining hall; installing solar panels; assisting with a water project. Kurt Kroenig plans to return as our World Servants Leader. Costs for the trip include $2,630 for food, housing, ground transportation, project materials, and an all-inclusive safari, plus air fare to and from Africa.

The 2009-2010 Church Board met for organization on Sunday, May 31, 2009, at 5:15 PM and elected Scott Steinmetz to serve the year as Church Treasurer and Matthew Mullins to serve the year as Secretary of the Church Board. Ole Blomberg submitted his resignation to the Church Board. His remaining two year term will be completed by John Reigard who received the next highest number of votes in the Annual Elections on May 17, 2009. The organization of the Church Board effective June 1, 2009, is as follows:

Adult Ministries: Tony Dozier, Kendell Poole, John Reigard
Building, Grounds, & Equipment: Aaron Foster, Steve Kelley, Matthew Mullins
Children/Youth: Beverly Sharpe, Jennifer Neely, Scott Perkins, John Mannen
Finance: Phil Jordan, David Hunt, Brad Houser, Scott Steinmetz, Mike Miranne
Mission: Donna Shankle, Marvin Heath, Kristi Mabry

Second service finished Sunday morning with prayer for a young couple and their two preschool children who are getting ready to be separated by the imprisonment of the husband/father. The man had prayed at the altar alone during open altars and I could not allow them to walk out of The Center without them knowing how much we cared. The crimes the man committed involved foolish and unwise decisions but never threatened the life of another person. Many of you stood in line to speak with and embrace the couple. I watched you. You looked into their eyes and spoke compassion to their souls. I will appear in court on Friday morning as a character witness for the man. Pray that justice and mercy will be joined in the wisdom and sentencing of the presiding judge.

In Christ Jesus,
Pastor Howard