Monday, March 15, 2010

March 15, 2010

Victor and Jonna Taylor presented their daughter, Abigail Grace Taylor, in dedication to the Lord Jesus Christ on Sunday, March 14, 2010, at 10:15 AM in The Center. Abigail was joined at the altar by generations of grandparents, great-grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. Dorinda Biggs sang the dedication song, “In His Arms,” accompanied by the sensational band. Michael Waller wrote out a chart to the song and the band played it after one run-through. Abigail smiled her way through the blessing journey and tolerated her dedication prayer. We bless the Lord who has blessed the Taylors with a child to love for him.

When Ronnie Thompson left HCN to pastor in Arkansas, Ray Render volunteered to take on leadership for Upwards Sports Ministries at the church. For most churches, the job would have included one to two sports but at HCN it included basketball, soccer, and flag football. Ray has just completed basketball season and is getting ready to start soccer. Pastor Carol Waller came to staff meeting last week bragging on the exceptional organization she encountered at soccer registration for her child. I have expressed my appreciation to Ray for the quality of the program he runs and the time investment he and Sheri make. His response to me was that he needs more people to step up and take responsibility in different areas. He has one great need: a coach for the 3rd/4th grade soccer team. If you would be willing to serve in this role, call the church office at 847-3335. We will get the information to Ray. Could I emphasize that the need is immediate?

Children in Grades 1-4 have participated in a Compassionate Ministries Class on Sunday evenings at HCN. They made lap blankets and delivered them to residents of McKendree Village last evening. They also spent an hour in conversation with the residents. There are emails at the church this morning expressing appreciation to the kids with an invitation to return in the summer for cookies and lemonade. Photos are posted on the church website.

Roger King is a young man who has spent his entire life in the Hermitage community. He is a graduate of DCA who began attending HCN last year. He asked me recently if he could contribute to the life of the church with an introduction to Crossfit training. I asked him who would qualify and this is what he wrote: someone who wants to get in shape but can’t face going to a gym; someone who has lost interest in their gym routine; someone who thinks they do not have time to exercise; someone who wants to get faster and stronger in their sport; someone who is no longer seeing results from current training regime. Workouts are rarely more than 45 minutes. Classes at the church have no cost and would begin to meet on Thursday evenings in April at 6:00 PM. Call the church office at 847-3335 to register interest.

Sam Green may get to spend the remainder of his recovery time at home in Mt. Juliet effective this Friday, March 19, 2010. One of his primary blood work markers passed its goal this morning and the sores in his throat are improving. Good news.

Patrick Marlowe asked last week that we pray for his family to be able to visit him in Louisiana over the weekend. The federal facility which houses Patrick was nearing shutdown and he felt like he was running out of strength. Patrick’s dad, mom, and son were able to visit during all available visitation blocks. Pray that someone in a position of power might begin to advocate for Patrick.

Two large, significant Sundays are just ahead in the Christian calendar: Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday. Palm Sunday is the last Sunday in March: March 28, 2010. Easter Sunday is the first Sunday in April: April 4, 2010. Service schedules and locations for each day are the same at HCN. Identically planned services meet at 9:00 and 10:30 AM (notice this is fifteen minutes later for second service), in The Center. I recognize this schedule moves first service people out of their regular worship place (The Sanctuary), and I appreciate the willingness to be inconvenienced so that more people might gather to worship and hear the gospel. Worship on Palm Sunday is an encore presentation of “One Voice,” a drama/musical which focuses on the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ as told by Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea. Herb McMillan, Bryce Fox, Beth Fox, and Laura Hughes return for the primary dramatic roles. Worship on Easter Sunday follows the familiar pattern of first recognizing the darkness of the crucifixion and then celebrating the brilliance of the resurrection. There will be instrumental and vocal music, preaching, and videos. We pray the power and presence of the Holy Spirit will help us to exalt Jesus. For some reason, people who do not regularly attend church are especially open to invitations to attend on Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday. Some of those people work with you, live beside of you, go to school with you, are related to you. With a simple invite from you, some person or family might find a church home because you take the initiative. With a simple invite from you, some person or family might take a new direction in eternity because you take the initiative. I can think of a favorite family of mine who now lives in Arizona who began to attend church at HCN at Easter. They read the invitation on the church marquee. A family from HCN now lives in Des Moines, Iowa, and they visited last weekend. Their teenage sons wanted to come and be in church.

I still remember when their house burned and someone invited them to church. I know it takes a risk to invite someone. All possibilities require risks. Get on schedules now.

I continue to ask that you pray with me regarding the extra $100,000 of giving we need to do over March, April, and May. It is a community thing. Ask God how you might participate and then trust with me.

The first phone call I received this morning told me that someone’s mother had died unexpectedly in the night. I called to find the man headed with his older brother to give the heavy news to their younger brother. I have thought of and prayed for them today. I am fully aware that in the midst of all the schedules and the doing there are fragile events unfolding in our lives. Remember that God is with you. He is our strength in time of trouble. He is our strength in time of joy. Wherever we may be.

In Christ Jesus,

Pastor Howard