Monday, March 29, 2010

March 29, 2010

Congratulations to Jeff and Suzanne Butler on the birth of their daughter, Zoie Raye Butler, on Thursday, March 25, 2010, at 10:13 AM at Summit Medical Center in Hermitage, Tennessee. Zoie weighed 5 lbs 11 ozs and measured 19 inches in length. She has lots of dark hair and a beautiful little face that Jeff says looks just like Suzanne. Zoie is the granddaughter of Harry and Donna Wood. We bless the Lord who has blessed the Butlers with a child to love and to serve him.

Men’s Ministry hosted Room-in-the-Inn on Saturday-Sunday, March 27-28, 2010, at HCN. Ten men without a home of their own were transported to and from downtown Nashville; fed a hot supper; given opportunity to shower and wash their clothes; provided a safe, dry, warm place to sleep; fed breakfast and given a sack lunch to go. The men were treated with respect in conversation and hospitality. Hosts and hostesses included Jon and Jacob Paddon, Herb McMillan, Joe Walker, Ken Elkins, David, Jonathan, and Drew Silvernail, Ronnie, Pam, and Brittany Crues, Alan, Angie, Josh, and Abby Elkins, Wayne McNeese, Jon Alderman, Trey and Hudson Miles, Derrick and Patrick Holderby, Jamie Slocum, Rob and Michael Mathias, Tim Garrett, Donna Shankle, Beth Rice, Becky Evans, Jerry Wallace, Julie Baggott, Mike Orrick, and Tony Dozier. This was the last night of hosting for this season.

HCN presented an encore of “One Voice” on Sunday, March 28, 2010, at 9:00 and 10:30 AM in The Center. Dr. Sam Green, our Pastor of Worship, suggested the option and it was not a hard sale to me. I love the narrative. I love the characters. I love the words of the music. Tammy Tarter rehearsed and directed the choir and Yori Taylor rehearsed and directed the drama. All major characters agreed to resume their roles and new heroes and heroines stepped up for casting. Choir members included Lisa Anderson, Jo Apple, Dorinda Biggs, Joy Bradley, Joyce Clevenger, Deborah Coppedge, Janeene Davis, Julie Foster, Beth Fox, Anna-Laura Green, Keli Green, Marvin Heath, Jennifer Humphries, JoAnn Jackson, Marilyn Keener, Sandra Kurtz, Becky Martin, Tiffany Mathias, Pam McNeese, Herb McMillan, Miriam McMillan, Ryan Means, Liz Plott, Anna Plummer, Amy Ruff, Ken Stegall, Tom Stephens, Emily Sullivan, Tammy Tarter, Carrie Wagner, Betty Willis. The cast of characters included Ed Gonyea (John the Baptist), Bryce Fox (Joseph of Arimathea), Jeff Cater (Jesus), Laura Hughes (Reumah, sister of Nicodemus), Herb McMillan (Nicodemus), Beth Fox (Leah, Joseph’s wife), Anna-Laura Green, Carrie Wagner, Stephan Scappaticci, Lamar Bradley, Ted Brown, Ken Stegall, Marvin Heath, Ryan Means, Liz Plott (Tamar), Joel Widmer, Miriam McMillan, Barry Whitehead. The cast of children included Bryson Fox, Brielle Fox, Brooklyn Fox, Tyler Koon, Trey McNeese, Madi McNeese, Lydia Foster, Ethan Foster, Elizabeth Foster, Bethany Ruff, Briley Ruff, Breelyn Ruff, Alex Sullivan, Annie Cater, and Marileigh Mabry. Brian Biggs and Robert Sullivan served as audio and lighting technicians. Daniel Smith, Preston Hunt, Daniel Jones, and Graham Scott served as lighting assistants. Sophie Green and Isabella Green served as stage hands. Glen Detwiler and Billy Swoner prepared the stage extensions. Beth Willis, Ken Willis, Larry Tarter, Tammy Tarter, Anna Plummer, Joy Bradley, and Brian Brinkman constructed the set design. Miriam McMillan located and prepared the costumes. Keli Green led the make-up team. Thank you to every person who memorized lines and movements, sang the music, or prepared any portion of the presentation. We are grateful for the story told.

The Easter Egg Hunt began at 5:00 PM for children from infancy through grade 4. There were thousands and thousands of eggs and not hard to find. A fine mist began when the children first went outside but not enough to keep the hunters inside. Thank you to every person who bought an egg, filled it with candy, and brought it to church for a child to find. You participated in a wonderful memory.

The Cooking Team, led by Wayne McNeese, had bought the hotdogs, hamburgers, rolls, and all the fixings and came to church much earlier than me to cook and slice. Thanks to grillers Kenny McNeese, Ken Koon, Trey Miles, Ronnie Marsh, Jon Nelson, Ricky McNeese, and Paul Stonecipher. Thanks to the kitchen crew for slicing, dicing, and layering: Lisa Anderson, Pam McNeese, Dianne McNeese, Pam Stonecipher, Kylee Koon. Thanks to the Early Christian Sunday School Class for setting-up, cleaning-up, and breaking down tables and chairs in The Center. Thanks to the Senior High Teens for handling the bulk of the break-down and storage. More than one person commented on how wonderful it was to sit for long spells and enjoy the conversation and fellowship of each other. I sat with the Kyle family and caught up on their lives and ministry desires.

This week is Holy Week. It began with Palm Sunday last Sunday, March 28, 2010, and continues through Easter Sunday, this Sunday, April 4, 2010. Please pay attention to the following opportunities for reflection and worship.

  • From Tuesday through Saturday of this week, twelve stations set up in the Building One Worship Center invite us on a Journey to the Cross. It is an interactive, multi-sensory opportunity to reflect on the last week in the life of Jesus. Sign-up via email at or call the church office at 847-3335.
  • A Maundy Thursday Service of Shadows meets in The Sanctuary on Thursday, April 1, 2010, at 6:30 PM. The service includes scripture readings, the extinguishing of candles, congregational singing, communion, and an exit into darkness.
  • Easter Sunday Services meet at 9:00 AM and 10:30 AM in The Center. The service is constructed to include sections on both the crucifixion and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Dr. Sam Green returns for the first time since his bone marrow transplant to lead congregational, instrumental, and choir music.

Pay attention to how and where you park so that everyone has a place. If you park on the grass, be careful. Soccer season has just begun and lots of care has gone into preparation of the field. Remember to invite your unchurched friends, neighbors, and relatives to the attend worship with you.

In Christ Jesus,

Pastor Howard