Monday, July 12, 2010

July 12, 2010

HCN celebrated the Fourth of July with grilled hotdogs and hamburgers and all the fixings prepared by the Men’s Cooking Team and the Women’s Ministries Kitchen Team. Wayne McNeese led the grilling team and he told me on Sunday to list Tyler Koon as his assistant. I think I saw Kenny McNeese side-by-side with his dad. Lisa Anderson, Pam McNeese, and Dot Waffird sliced the tomatoes, peeled the lettuce, and chopped the onions, then organized the tables for serving. Thanks to everyone who brought a salad, dessert, and large drink to add to the feast. Angela Hisey baked two rhubarb pies and brought me my very own pie to share with staff on Monday. I ate a piece of the pie she brought to the cookout and two pieces of my own pie. When I went to sit under the trees, Beth Seaman offered me an extra chair and so I sat among my friends. It is a fine thing to be part of a church that still gathers for eating and talking and sitting and being with one another. Thanks to all of the people who worked hard to do the cooking and set-up and clean-up so the rest of us could enjoy the day.

District Conventions and Assembly were held in Memphis at the Calvary Church of the Nazarene last week. Delegates from HCN were Joy Bradley, Alene Gill, Linda Parkhurst, Daniel Smith, Jake Resor, Wendell and JoAnn Poole and pastoral staff members Rondy Smith, Carol Waller, Ken Jewett, and Howard Plummer. Daniel and Jake were granted the first district license in their process toward ordination. Rondy Smith read scripture in the ordination service where Ken Jewett’s ordination in the Wesleyan Church was recognized and transferred. Robin Jewett was at Ken’s side in the service. I had the privilege to pray for Ken. I also had the privilege to ride in the same vehicle with Ken and Jake going to Memphis and with Jake returning from Memphis. I enjoyed the conversation greatly. My favorite piece of conventions and assembly is always the time I get to spend with my fellow pastors. I forget how much I need them and love them. The same was true this year.

The Church Board met for the monthly meeting on Sunday, July 11, 2010, at 4:30 PM and approved the following assignments for this year:

Adult Ministries: Tony Dozier, Kendell Poole, John Reigard, Steve Kelley

Building, Grounds, & Equipment: Jerry Keener, Wendell Marlowe, Lance Waller

Children/Youth Ministries: Jennifer Neely, Jeff Cater, Carolyn Washing

Finance: Phil Jordan, Mike Miranne, John Mannen, Scott Perkins

Mission: Kristi Mabry, Matthew Mullins, Teresa Vines, Beverly Mitchell

The board also received financial reports, reports of old minutes, reports from Africa and possibilities of beginning a third worship service in August.


The Pastoral Staff Team met this morning for the first time since the first of June with an attempt to work on calendar items. Mission Team members for Africa and Europe need to watch for emails asking about specific dates for reporting to the congregation. A service for the sacrament of baptism is scheduled for Sunday, August 8, 2010, at 5:00 PM in the sanctuary. All who trust in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior need to be baptized. Call the church office at 847-3335 to place yourself on a candidate’s list.

Promotion Sunday is August 1, 2010. Children are promoted to the next class based on age as directed by Children’s Pastor Carol Waller. I know that you may think Carol is mean and feisty (I would agree with feisty), but she is a trained educator who attempts to make the best decisions for all of our kids. You may think your child is exceptional and deserving of promotion based on the DNA they share with you, but that is not what qualifies for promotion. Please cooperate with Carol. She loves your kids.

Students going into the fifth grade will be promoted to LiveWire Middle School Ministries on August 1, 2010. Ken Jewett directs this age ministry assisted by Jake Resor and Daniel Smith. Students going into the ninth grade will be promoted to Building One Senior High Ministries on August 1, 2010. Shane Tarter directs this age ministry. It is important that we keep order with grade promotion. I understand students who would like to promote themselves into the next social group regardless of grade level but that is not acceptable to either group. We need parents to be the adults who help us make the appropriate age group exciting and acceptable. Thank you. No one is trying to be the heavy here. We have attempted to make exceptions for students who were retained in a grade but promoted each year at church with their peer group. Again, we love your kids. Help us.

When the MissionAfrica Team arrived in Kenya, we met a lady named Sandy who was from Minnesota and who was assigned by World Servants to join our team in ministry. Sandy was a Home Economics teacher in a high school. She brought needles and thread with her and after several days in Kali, she set about sewing up every piece of clothing that needed stitching. She would walk up to kids whose clothing was falling apart and begin to pull it together with thread. Kids stood in line to get stitched. One little boy had on pants that were so threadbare that there was nothing substantial enough on which to anchor a thread. He got new pants. I liked Sandy. I began to realize that wherever we went, her eyes focused on things which needed attention and she moved toward those things. She sewed. She picked up thorn bushes. She washed clothes and hung them on the line. Whatever her hands found to do, she did it. May God the Holy Spirit help me and help you to follow her example. I need to quit talking so much and start doing.

I look forward to Sunday.

In Christ Jesus,

Pastor Howard