Monday, July 26, 2010

July 26, 2010

Jeff and Suzanne Butler presented their daughter, Zoie Raye Butler, in dedication to the Lord Jesus Christ on Sunday, July 25, 2010, in the 9:00 AM service in the Sanctuary. Zoie was joined at the altar by grandparents: Harry and Donna Wood, Marvin and Becky Butler; great-grandparents: Ken and Anita Peterman; aunts: Brandy Wood, Jamie Wood; cousins: Eva, Nicholas, Jada; friends: Jeremy Hood and Victoria. A long time has passed since a baby was dedicated in first service and the congregation responded with great joy. Lots of people reached out to touch Zoie or to talk to her on her blessing journey. She was sweet and responsive. We bless the Lord who has blessed Jeff and Suzanne with a child to love for him.

Bill Hill and his wife, Hazel, began to attend HCN several years ago at Bill’s choosing. Hazel belonged to a church in the Old Hickory Village but for some reason, Bill would not go with her. He told her if she would go to this church, he would go. They attended the second service. Neighbors who attend HCN and knew Bill told him he would like first service better. He thanked them and told them he liked the music in second service. Then, Hazel died. He took her back to her church for the memorial service and burial. Two weeks later, he was back at HCN. Bill died two weeks ago at the age of eighty. Bill’s niece contacted Ruby Barber and asked if I might help with a graveside service for Bill and I did. When I met with the sweet family to get them to tell me about Bill, they told me of his friends at church. He knew all sorts of people who he described in detail. Ole Blomberg. Valerie Marsh. I was impressed. Bill Hill was a relatively unchurched senior adult who found a spiritual home at an unlikely time in his life. Why am I surprised? Warm, open lives are hard to resist.

Dr. Mike Jackson arrived in town yesterday afternoon with his wife, Cheryl, and their moving truck. Mike is the new preaching professor at Trevecca. Shane Tarter, Scott Primm, Brian Brinkman, Daniel Jones, Cassie Hunt, and I met them at their new apart-ment just off the TNU campus and helped unload furniture. Then we drove to TNU to unload his library into his new office. The Jacksons plan to attend HCN. While Mike has been my good friend for more than thirty years, Shane, Scott, Brian, Daniel, and Cassie had never met him. Sometimes in life, we need friends who have friends.

Rebecca Sharpe leaves for Uganda in two weeks. She travels there on mission with the women’s basketball team from Union University. The team is collecting several specific items to take with them for distribution: twin size bed sheets (new and used), blow bubbles, and stickers. Bring all items to the church by August 6, 2010.

During the months of June and July, pastoral staff members have rotated teaching responsibilities on Sunday evenings. All adults were invited to the Sanctuary to share After You Believe: Why Christian Character Matters by N.T. Wright. I taught the first lesson and last night, I taught the last lesson. It was a dense but impressive book. I am grateful to the eight to twelve people who stayed the course and finished the race. I am grateful to my colleagues who were willing to teach tough stuff in the summer.

If you are interested in knowing more about the six pieces of clothing story I shared in yesterday’s message, you can read more at

I received an email announcement today from Maggie Lawrence, a Captain at the Nashville Fire Department. The department is accepting applications for Fire Recruit from today until August 26, 2010. If you are interested or have further questions, contact Captain Lawrence at 862-5230.

Three meetings with very specific purpose are scheduled for the next two weeks. Adult Sunday School Teachers are invited to meet with Dr. Rondy Smith on Sunday, August 1, 2010, at 4:30 PM. A Baptismal Service is scheduled in the Sanctuary on Sunday, August 8, 2010, at 5:00 PM for the purpose of baptizing believers. The Mission Africa 2010 Team presents stories and pictures on Sunday, August 8, 2010, at 6:00 PM in the Center. Reserve space on your schedules.

I look forward to Sunday. It the first of August and the day before school begins in Wilson County. I am missing some of my friends.

In Christ Jesus,

Pastor Howard