Tuesday, August 17, 2010

August 17, 2010

Sunday, August 15, 2010, wrote some history for HCN. It was the first day of the experiment to add a third service at 11:30 AM; to begin second service earlier at 10:00 AM; to conclude Sunday School fifteen minutes sooner; to begin a new Adult Sunday School Class and Senior High Sunday School Class at 10:00 AM. It was only the first day, but it was a good beginning. Ninety-one people attended third service. The critical mass of warm bodies was important. The Center is big but the building did not seem empty. I find the most important thing to say about the service: the Spirit of God was big and filling the praises and prayers of his people. There were lots of young people and there were lots of adults. Several whole families attended saying the later start time was very attractive. Dr. Wilbur Brannon attended all three worship services and told me after the third service that he had loved them all. Dr. Larry and Dr. Gay Leonard attended all three worship services. The Leonards were present for other reasons but could only express their excitement at what they saw and heard. Kristi Mabry wrote this morning of her positive feelings about the service. All three services were excellent for me. I loved the music and the pulse of each. Services started and stayed on time and dismissed appropriately. The dynamic of the new schedule has produced unexpected, unintended pluses. Sunday School numbers were up, up, up. First service has received new attenders who have always preferred more traditional worship but needed a support Sunday School Class of their peers. Second service had some empty chairs which we needed to be able to invite new people again. I do not know where the changes will take us by December. However, I cannot express strongly enough how much I appreciate the cooperation from so many people to give this a chance. Thank you music people who sing in two services or play in two services. Thank you pastoral staff team for flexing in age level ministries. Thank you, Holy Spirit, for blowing us where You will.

The second piece of history was the recognition of the fifteenth anniversary of the Plummer family moving to HCN to serve. Anna, Kelly, Brady, and I moved to middle Tennessee in August of 1995. The Church Board led the day, represented by board secretary, Matthew Mullins. The board extended a one month sabbatical to be used at our scheduling. They also invited the district superintendent of the Tennessee Churches of the Nazarene, Dr. Larry Leonard, to be present and to address the congregation. In the evening, the board had arranged a great party in the Center planned and coordinated by Teresa Vines. Diane Cater baked a cake with a replica of my preaching bible, the cross book mark I have used for twenty years, and one of my favorite pens. Jill Satterlee catered the massive food stores assisted by Tammy Jones, Feli Tigabu, Jillian Forcum, Rachel Jones. Jennifer Neely decorated the center serving tables. Kris Neely, Kristi Mabry, Teresa Vines, Rick Person, Beverly Mitchell, Betty Willis, Steve Kelley, Tes Tigabu, Carolyn Washing, and multiple teens set-up chairs and food tables. Mike Miranne presided as master of ceremonies. Jake Resor taped and edited the video. Brian Brinkman prepared the slide show. Rondy Smith stealthly stole my bible and Jody Scott stole my pen for Diane’s model. Humbly, I am grateful to each one of you.

Mike Miranne’s words stimulated several people to ask me how many babies I have dedicated, how many members I have received in fifteen years. In the first year I was here, new members included Lee Hodges, Bobby Shankle, Ken and Arlene Dove, Tom Hills, Jonathan and Dawn Crumpton, Chuck Seay and Jennifer Harvey, Wayne McNeese. 668 people have joined HCN in those fifteen years. I am not telling you how many left in those fifteen years. I have dedicated 135 babies, including all the children in many families. Beverly Sharpe told me that she was pregnant with Thomas when I came to interview in 1995. Thomas stood towering over her as she told me that on Sunday night.

I want to acknowledge the support staff and pastoral staff members and laity who have made significant contributions to the church in the last fifteen years. I want to go a hundred different directions here but I could get in trouble mentioning some and missing some. I think I need to recognize them at a different time in different ways. Allow me to acknowledge that a team of extremely talented, gifted leaders have provided the heart and soul of the last fifteen years to serve and move the church forward. I am missing Bobby Shankle. I know the joy in his place is greater than mine but I wish he was here to share this joy. I wish the same for Dr. Harvey Hendershot.

How do I say thank you for the party and your kind words and notes? Anna and I sat up until midnight on Sunday night and read every card. They are keepers. I love you and respect you and highly value your friendship. I am grateful for your willingness to follow leadership for fifteen years. That is one of your distinguishing qualities. You allow me to use the gifts God has given to me. I try to allow you to use the gifts God has given to you. We trust each other. Or at least, I trust you. I had no idea where God would lead in 1995 but it was to a good place for me and my family. I praise him for his goodness and grace. I thank him for you.

In Christ Jesus,

Pastor Howard