Tuesday, January 11, 2011

January 11, 2011

Snow has come again to Middle Tennessee. I am thankful first of all that it did not come on Sunday. I am thankful secondly that east Davidson County, west Wilson County were not forgotten. I am amazed that the trash collection truck and the postal service jeep were able to navigate to my cul-de-sac. The Tennessean paper car made it this morning (Tuesday). The paper said to go to the internet to find out who won the Auburn-Oregon Championship Game. Congratulations to Auburn fans.

The Life Connections Sunday School Class hosted ten homeless men through Room-in-the-Inn on Saturday-Sunday, January 8-9, 2011, on the HCN campus. The group provided Saturday supper, Sunday breakfast, and a sack lunch to carry away. They chaperoned the dry and warm evening rest; opened the facilities for washing clothes; made the showers and lockers available for getting clean. The men are always transported by our van to and from downtown Nashville and treated with kindness and respect. HCN hosts included Pam and Paul Stonecipher, Wayne McNeese, Tim and Treila Garrett, Ronnie and Pam Crues, Jerry and Lori Wallace, Tom and Shannon Stephens, Buddy and Kristi Mabry, Gary and Christine Helm, Stephan and Susan Scappaticci, Traci Hollandsworth, Jonna Taylor, Hannah Dubin, Dean Beach, and Beth Rice. The words of Jesus recorded in Matthew 25:40 say that whatever you did for one of these brothers, you did for him. Thanks.

A Zone Quiz Meet for Children was held at Trevecca on Saturday, December 8, 2011. Briley Ruff represented HCN and had a perfect quiz; received a gold all star and memory verse ribbon; received two perfect round ribbons. It was his best quiz yet.

Congratulations to Kylee Koon who has completed course work for her master’s degree in education at Trevecca Nazarene University with a 4.0 GPA. She graduates in the commencement in May.

After three weeks of hospitalization, Sam Green is physically improving daily. His body is retaining nutrients from the food he is consuming which was not true for the first two weeks. The numbers in his blood work are superior. His doctors are very pleased. Sam is ready to be home with his baby girls and they are ready to have their daddy home. We give thanks for the intercession healing for Sam.

The Church Board met on Sunday, January 9, 2011, at 4:00 PM for the regular monthly meeting. The proposed budget prepared by the appointed task force (Phil Jordan, Scott Steinmetz, John Mannen, Jerry Keener, Howard Plummer), was presented by Phil as the chair of the Finance Council. The budget was unanimously approved following lots of questions and discussion. There was a strong sentiment expressed from board members that we begin to include the weekly need in the weekly tip sheet and Sunday bulletin. So, you will find that number at the bottom of the numerical information this week. Also, permission to continue the third service through the next board meeting was sought and approved. The third service begins again this Sunday, January 16, 2011, in the Sanctuary (note change of location). There are other pieces being processed for this service.

The Discovery Sunday School Class beings a 14 week study on Sunday, January 30, 2011, of Christ’s life and ministry based on The Jesus I Never Knew by Philip Yancey. The series employs video clips of various film portrayals of Jesus as a basis of discussion. If you attend first or third worship and would like to try a Sunday School Class, please join this group. For more information, speak to Jonathan or Sarah Paddon or email at jwpaddon@tds.net.

Dennis Scholl and Doug Gold are starting a weekly men’s prayer breakfast on Fridays at 6:30 AM at the Mt. Juliet Cracker Barrel. The meeting will include a short devotion, prayer, and fellowship. Men, this is your invitation.

Tony Dozier sent me an email on Monday asking me to return his nephew, Matthew Bateman, to our prayer list of soldiers. Matthew is headed to Afghanistan. It is his fifth tour of duty in either Iraq or Afghanistan. Matthew’s mother is Tony’s sister, Carolyn, who lives in California. When Carolyn visits us, she attends each morning worship service so that she can hear her son’s name called in prayer. I feel strongly that a small group of people need to pray for Matthew’s safety daily. If you would be one of those people, write me a note and drop it in the offering plate or email me at hlplummer@aol.com.

The words from Sunday’s message are “consistent and conscious submission.” Jesus is our model.

In Christ Jesus,

Pastor Howard