Monday, January 17, 2011

January 17, 2011

I visited with Sam Green this morning at Centennial Medical Center. Nurses were hanging some platelets to keep his blood work strong. He is coming off of steroids and moving up the food chain diet. Sam has taken on pieces of his music/worship role at HCN, doing things he has not done since last September. He has selected and ordered the Palm Sunday music for the choir and sending missives as we speak. The Green family hopes this is week Sam gets to go home. One of Sam’s nurses visited second service yesterday.

Third service started again yesterday but in a new location. The Sanctuary was a perfect fit. I cannot commend the musical team enough for their preparation and delivery.

Donny Jackson led congregational singing with Paul Vann and Beth Fox as praise team vocalists. Donny also played the guitar which is confessed is his instrument of choice. Paul Bolling played all of my favorite percussion pieces which I think Paul masters. Michael Waller played the baby grand and David Flint played acoustic guitar. Michael and David are the quiet, behind the scenes coordinators who make things flawless.

Ken Jewett started recruiting a music team for LiveWire worship when he realized Jeremy Michael would not be available last Sunday. He called Beth Fox who pulled in Bryson Fox, Jameson Scappaticci, and Nathanael Jackson to accompany her. Ken had nothing but praise for the goods delivered.

One more thing about music assistance: at the close of second service on Sunday, I needed someone to help us with music. I called for someone in the band (Michael, Donny, and Dave were setting up in the sanctuary for third service). Randy Layne was the person who came to help and played a wonderfully soulful song on his bass guitar. What a gift. As I walked off the stage in the center, Carrie Lounsbury met me and asked if I needed help on the keyboards at the close of services. I told her I did and she said she would be there next Sunday. I think some glory rose up to heaven right then.

Margaret Mathias was one of the eighteen people from HCN who traveled to Kenya last June. Rob asked early on if it would be okay for his mom to go and we agreed. Margaret was a devout Christian, an experienced nurse, a pray-er. She was kind and wonderful. When the girls at the orphanage were treated to cleanse their faces, their hair, their legs, Margaret was one of three people who did all of the work. What few people on the trip knew was that Margaret was in remission for cancer. Last Thursday, January 13, 2011, Margaret died. The memorial service is today (Monday). It is hard to believe that a person as vibrant as Margaret could be gone within seven months. We rejoice that she was a part of our Mission Africa ’10 Team and that we were a part of each other. Margaret was sixty years old.

Youth Villages visits HCN this Thursday, January 20, 2011, at 7:00 PM in the Parlor of the Center. This is a second opportunity for people in our church to listen to opportunities for foster care and adoption. If your heart is pulled in this direction, please attend. Each speaks to our proactive support for the sacredness of life.

Senior High Pastor Shane Tarter led sixty-one students and eight chaperones on their winter retreat to Gatlinburg last weekend (January 14-17, 2011). Students included Ryan Mahoney, Matt Lucas, Evan McDaniel, Colby Earles, Andrew Vines, Ben Mabry, Hunter Steinmetz, Isaac Thompson, Braden Maphet, Hannah Garrett, Jessica Joyce, Sophie Zander, Jessica Perkins, Josh Cater, Stephanie Owens, Eric Owens, Cassie Hunt, Trevor Hunt, Sarah Griffith, Bret Washing, Christi Fite, Anna Laura Green, Sophie Green, Dalton Winfrey, Abby Winfrey, Page Abernathy, Morgan Harold, Callie Crosslin, Cameron Woodfin, Austin Woodfin, Chase Busherfield, Alex Houser, Paul Polland, Miranda Buyna, Lucas Houge, Katelyn Houge, Kevin Helm, Jonathan Tigabu, Jessica Long, Matt Bastin, Taylor Clark, Daniel Jones, Hayley Fee, Robby Amity, Ryan Amity, Timmy Porter, Phillip Caulkins, Sarah Matthews, Allison Huffman, Ben Griffith, Toby Haydel, Jonathan Mowry, Corey Miranne, Grant McCoy, Reed McCoy, Johnny Lee, Felix Menke, Justin Angle, Robert Luther. Chaperones included Gina Winfree, Sandra Hunt, Alan Elkins, Tanya Bastin, Esther Owens, Teresa Vines, Holly Steinmetz. Shane sat in my office this afternoon and told me he thought it was the most spiritual retreat he has experienced with the kids. There were only two trips to the ER.

Reminder for the Men’s Breakfast at Mt. Juliet Cracker Barrel on Fridays at 6:30 AM with Dennis Scholl and Doug Gold. All men are welcome.

Reminder for those who want to pray for Matthew Bateman, nephew to Tony Dozier, who is being deployed to Afghanistan for a fifth tour of duty. When Delores Thompson wrote me to join the prayer team for Matthew, she asked I could remember her nephew, Michael Pickartz, who is being deployed to Afghanistan for his fourth tour of duty. Could I ask that those who have written me about Matthew would include Michael in your daily, weekly prayers?

I am thankful for you.

In Christ Jesus,

Pastor Howard