Monday, May 11, 2009

May 11, 2009

Congratulations to Scott and Jennifer Mullins on the birth of their son, Tristan Scott Mullins, on Monday, May 11, 2009, at 10:06 AM at Vanderbilt Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee. Tristan weighed 6 lbs 12 ozs and measured 19 ½ inches in length. He is the brother of Brooke Bradley; grandson of Lamar and Joy Bradley; nephew of Kim and Kevin Davenport; cousin of Cameron and Carson Davenport. He was taken to the NICU immediately after birth to suction fluids and to make sure his breathing remains strong. We give thanks to God for the care Tristan has received and for the safety of Jennifer in the birth process. I get to see all of the family later today.

Wendell Poole began several years ago to arrange for the purchase of HCN’s Mother’s Day flowers from a Mennonite farm. The flowers are delivered to the doors of the church. When we asked Wendell to help this year, he asked for help in return. His mother is a resident at Trevecca Towers and she was responsible for arranging for a Tower’s chapel speaker on Thursday, May 7, 2009. Wendell asked if someone from the church could help. Rondy, Carol, Shane, and I were involved in district meetings in Dickson on Thursday and Friday, so we asked Daniel Smith and Jake Resor if they could speak. Ken Jewett joined them for the morning and by the time they each spoke, there was responsive, spiritual chatter. That means “Amen” and “Hallelujah” and “I knew you when you were a baby.” Everyone who reported back to me said it was a godly moment. It is a blessing to know that arranging Mother’s Day flowers this year begat more blessings. Thanks to Wendell, Daniel, Jake, and Ken for jobs well done.

The Doxology was added to the close of worship in first service last week due to a suggestion from our First Service Dinner and Dr. Sam Green. Willard Brinkman and I planned before service for him to play and I asked Richard Knox during the distribution of communion if he would lead us. I know that magical is not a very spiritual word but it is the word I used later to tell my family what it felt like. Richard’s voice was big and wonderful and Willard’s playing was the best of high church. In a completely different setting at the close of second service, we sang The Doxology acappella and we sang it twice through. I had an email this morning saying “the first time we sang it through, it was kind of just from memory and just singing along, but the second time, when I paid attention to the words…” God moves in mysterious ways.

Thanks to Andy McCormick for the saxophone in second service on Sunday. It was soulful and added just what was needed for the simple choir song. Paul Vann and Sam Green added the charisma.
I learn from repetition. It does not offend me. If it offends you, forgive me. This Sunday, May 17, 2009, is the day for Annual Meeting Elections. Ballots are available in Adult Sunday School Classes and at the Welcome Centers in both The Sanctuary Foyer and The Center Lobby during Sunday School and before and after services. Miriam McMillan serves as the elected Secretary of the Church Board and is responsible for appointing a Board of Tellers to handle all voting procedures. If you are a member of the church and you are fifteen years of age or older, you are eligible to vote on all ballots. On NYI (Youth) Ballots, you must be twelve to forty years of age (or work in an active capacity with youth who are 12-23 years of age). We elect five members of the church board to a three year term; three department heads (Sunday School, Missions, Youth) to a one year term; thirteen delegates to District Assembly; twelve delegates to NMI (Mission) Convention; six delegates to NYI (Youth Convention).

District Assembly begins on Thursday, July 9, 2009, at 7:00 PM, at Trevecca Community Church of the Nazarene. It is likely that Carol Waller and Bryce Fox will be ordained as elders in the Church of the Nazarene in that service. Shane Tarter will receive the grant of his first district license. I tell you that in case you would like to be present and reserve the date on your calendar.

I look forward to singing and praying and being with you on Sunday.

In Christ Jesus,
Pastor Howard